Thursday, October 14, 2010

:Madalyn+Levi|Wisconsin Toddler Photographer:

Here we are, way back at day one of my toddler filled weekend a few weeks ago.  Meeting Madalyn + Levi on what started off as a typical Fall Saturday {and turned into a rainy, cold, hot cocoa, hat+mittens necessary Saturday} literally brought a smile to my face.  I have known their momma {oh the pictures, we both could post} since the 7th grade.....I won't even do the numerical math or I will feel like a dinosaur, I'm sure, so similar to Kyle's session, their session seemed to close the circle of a relationship.  I love reconnecting with old friends, and what a better way to do so than over a photo session with their children.  Okay, perhaps a playdate where my children come along would be even more fun.....but only if I can bring along my good friend Canon.  2 locations, 2 great kids, 2 outfits a piece = TOO many adorable shots!  Here are few of my favorites from their session.  Note|Levi is all boy, Levi is all 18 month old boy which equates to Levi doesn't like to has no time to sit still.  He has things to do.  Madalyn on the other hand, was a pretty princess, posing and smiling at all the right times.  Hope you enjoy viewing these as much as I did, shooting + editing them.

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