Photographing Natalie + Christian a few weeks ago, was nothing like work. Not that my sessions usually feel like work, but these two kiddos hold a special place in my lens. I was with their momma when she found out she was carrying Natalie, I found out I was pregnant with my son Alexander just hours before Natalie was born {just as I was the first to know that Lisa was pregnant, she was the first to know that I was pregnant for the first time as well} Between us, we have a 3 yr old, 2 1/2 year old, and almost 2 year old. She is braver than me, and they are expecting baby #3 in early November. Our children are playmates, we are best friends, and she is the Godmother of my youngest son Austin. The kiddos weren't quit sure what to make of me sans children and with a camera in my hand at first, but once we got our feet wet {figuritively, not literally} My 2nd + 3rd favorite toddlers came right out of their shell. We had a fantastic day, and I am in love with the creative magic that came out of my camera and cannot wait to find out whether they are getting a baby brother or sister in a few weeks.
great shots! esp. the last one where the children is looking at the sea..:)